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Ready, Set, Smile: Your Back to the Dentist Checklist

August 15, 2023

As the back-to-school excitement builds, it’s time to prepare for the upcoming adventures. To help get your family ready, we’ve put together a simple checklist that will help everyone start the school year off with a smile!

Supercharge Their Smile

Kick off the school year with a fresh start for your children’s teeth! Replace toothbrushes every 3 – 4 months to maintain their effectiveness. As bristles wear down, their cleaning power diminishes. A shiny new toothbrush will help keep your child’s teeth strong and healthy as they conquer the classroom.

Protect Their Grin

Fall means more than just books; it’s time for sports too! Keep those teeth well-defended with a sports mouth guard. From soccer to basketball, protect your child’s smile from unexpected impacts. A mouth guard is a small investment for a big win in oral safety.

Hydration Heroes: Reusable Water Bottles

Children should refresh and stay hydrated with a trusty water bottle. Water is a natural tooth cleanser, washing away debris and fighting cavity-causing sugars. Hydration also helps their bodies stay cool during school activities, so consider sending kids to school with a reusable water bottle to conquer the day.

Rock-Solid Routines

Give plaque the boot with a consistent homecare routine. Brushing twice a day, for two minutes each time, will keep cavities at bay. Want an A+? Add daily flossing to reach the nooks and crannies.

Stacked books with an apple

For extra credit, children 6 years or older can finish the routine with mouthwash!  Set them up for success by making oral care a consistent habit. It’s a guaranteed way to ace oral health all year long.

The Power of a Dental Health Checkup

Our last tip? Before the school bell rings, schedule a dental checkup to ensure a healthy smile. A dental checkup is like a backstage pass to a confident smile and a successful school start. We can’t wait to support you and your family as you embark on this new academic chapter. Don’t miss out – make a back-to-school checkup a priority!

As you prepare your child for the school year ahead, remember the importance of their oral health. A healthy mouth contributes to your child’s overall well-being and confidence. By following this back-to-the-dentist checklist, you’re setting them up for success both in and out of the classroom. Here’s to a fantastic school year filled with learning, growth, and countless reasons to smile!