You protect your skin from the sun, but what about your teeth?
With summer right around the corner, here are some tips to help keep your teeth happy and healthy.
The swimming pool
It is important to brush your teeth after swimming in a chlorinated pool. Some swimming pools have extra high chlorine levels that can weaken your teeth.
Stay hydrated
We don’t think too much about saliva and that’s probably okay, but it’s an important defense against decay and bad breath. Staying hydrated helps to prevent teeth decay and protects your gums.
Guard your mouth
Summer is the time for outdoor sports and you can protect your teeth, cheeks, gums and lips with a low-cost mouth guard. It could save you from a knocked out or chipped tooth, and it will prevent you from grinding your teeth during the big game.
Don’t use your teeth as a bottle opener
No really, just don’t. We’ve all seen someone open a bottle with their teeth. An amazing feat? Nope, but a great way to cause micro fractures in your teeth. Using your teeth to rip open potato chip bags or to crush ice are also no nos.
Can you sunburn your teeth?
The short answer is no. You most likely cannot sunburn your teeth. Shwew! Your lips on the other hand can sunburn. In fact, your lips might be the most susceptible to sunburn. It’s important not to rely on regular sunscreen to protect your lips, choose a lip balm with a minimum of SPF 15. It is designed for your lips, and it will stick better. And just like with sunscreen, remember to reapply it every couple hours.
There are lots of reasons to smile all summer long. Evidence suggests that smiling reduces stress and helps your heart. So show those teeth! Brush twice a day, floss daily and smile big. You’ll feel better when you do.