As we approach Armed Forces Day, we want to take a moment to celebrate our brave troops, including their work in dentistry. Dentistry has been a part of military service since the Revolutionary War. But did you know back then, barbers and blacksmiths provided dental care? Nowadays, highly trained individuals provide dentistry instead.
Highly Skilled Military Dentists
Practicing dentistry in the armed forces requires a high level of skill because troops can be deployed to far-away locations where there is only one dental provider. Military dentists are responsible for a wide range of services. They provide treatments like routine checkups, cleanings, and treat dental problems too. To provide the best care possible to our troops, they need to rely on their training and experience.
Honoring Retired Military Dental Providers
At Merit Dental, we proudly employ active and retired military dental providers who bring important experience to our team. Dr. Alan Walker, DDS, FIDIA, is a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and spent nine years practicing dentistry in the Army. His time in the military taught him how to provide all types of dental treatments. When we asked Dr. Walker what he remembers most, he said “to be a great dentist, I was taught to practice to the top of my abilities. The Army encouraged me to learn many different areas of dentistry like oral surgery and dental sleep medicine.”
Recognizing the Critical Role of Military Dentists
Dentistry in the military is important to our armed forces’ overall mission. Military dental providers are highly respected because they help keep our troops healthy and ready to serve. As we honor those who have served and continue to serve our country, let us appreciate the valuable work that military dental providers do to support our nation’s defenders.